Change the World Wednesday – 8th Feb

A sure sign of frustration

I am up, got coffee and at the keyboard, what more can you expect?

Yes, I’m ready and raring to go, but then I find I can’t…

I am frustrated.

You all know that I look forward to CTWW on a Wednesday and never fail to participate. I have participated in each and every one since the inception.

But today’s, I can’t, I can’t go, I can’t rare, all I can do is sit here numbly with my coffee and stare at the screen.

This week’s Change the World Wednesday is a great one and none-the-less commendable, if you exercise a lot or use a lot of electricity or have a lot of electrical appliances.

This week unplug your exercise routine by using no power. No treadmills, ellipticals, gyms, TV, music, or anything powered to assist in exercise. Make your workout Eco-friendly … and, as always, let us know all about it.
Or …

If you’re not really into exercise, please consider it. In the meantime, take a look at your daily routine and choose one activity which uses power and accomplish it without power. Some examples might be preparing a meal without the use of the stove, washing dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher, visiting friends and family instead of watching TV, etc. And oh yes, we want to know all about it (you’ll get points for creativity).

…but I don’t.

I don’t exercise. I should, but using a treadmill with a walking stick is a tricky exercise I would imagine, since I have never attempted the feat.

I don’t use a lot of electricity, I don’t have many electrical appliances and my stove is gas.

My only contribution this week is that the weather has been so hot here in Rio de Janeiro is that I have turned off the electric shower head. This is our 8th day running with a minimum temperature of 37ºC (94º+F for our American cousins who haven’t realised they are the only ones in the world who haven’t converted), it hasn’t broached 40 yet, but that is coming. The water from my roof tank is hotter than the electricity makes it. If I want cold water, I have to use the garden hose because that gets water straight from the street.

*Puts on thinking cap*

Creativity, she wants creativity… Okay, here goes.

Any time's the right time...

I am a carnivore; yes, I know that for many of you that will be a failing. But, apart from that I am a man who enjoys his beer. Beer o’clock is an essential time of the day.

Instead of going home to watch TV and have a snack after work (I arrive home about 7:30pm). I’ll go to the botequim  (neighbourhood bar), have my snack there while watching their TV. Well, Raimundo will have the TV on for other freguês (regulars) so I’ll watch too. That way my TV is turned off and I am visiting friends too. It’s a bit like having your cake and eating it as well.

Government Warning: Married men, do not attempt this trick in your own home. It can lead to fatal injuries or, minimally, certain aspects of conjugal life to be severely rationed.

…and now a word from our sponsor.

Cow poo!

Yes, on Make you Fink on Friday I am discussing that essential ingredient cow poo and how it affects our lives. Be sure not to miss it!

4 responses to this post.

  1. LOL. I love the creativity! Thank you for brightening up my morning.



  2. This reminds me of a wonderful “gimmick” that I heard about, once, to motivate a husband to weed the garden … just place a beer every 4-5 feet and tell him has to weed to the next beer. (hehe) So, okay … I was thinking about what you said … about watching the TV at the botequim instead of home … and that’s quite brilliant really. Instead of a bunch of TVs on … only one TV is one for a bunch of people. I like it! 🙂



    • @SF, that would do it for me. The TV idea was the only viable thing I could come up with. As soon as it’s dark, I am going to retire to the botequim with my bottle of Chilean white wine. So no lights, no TV until 10pm.




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