Change the World Wednesday – 16th Jan


CTWW is back. This is the official version. SF has returned from her well-deserved hiatus over Christmas and New Year.

A new challenge, and one that I need.

This week choose one area of your home (a closet, drawer, cupboard, etc.) and organize it. Sort through everything and decide which items you’ll use (and put them in their proper places), which items won’t be used and can be donated or given away, and last (as in last resort) … which items should be tossed in the trash bin. If you’re feeling especially ambitious … work your way through the entire home.


Or … If you’ve already done this and your home is in good shape, please let us know how it went. Offer us helpful tips, lessons learned, etc. Did you find any items you had forgotten about and will now use? Did you donate or give away many things? Do you feel that organizing your home has made it more Eco-friendly and if so, why?

My junk drawer

My junk drawer

I have few drawers because I don’t have much furniture. But I have one big ‘junk’ drawer in the sitting room; every home has a junk drawer.

It’s good to have a digital camera again. There you have it, my junk drawer.

My junk drawer is basically a medicine cabinet combined with a sewing room, it’s where I keep my new batteries, new soap and tooth paste, tools, isolation tape, Christmas wrapping paper should I ever use it again. It’s the place that I know I’ll find something if I’m looking for it.

It does have a lot of junk that could be better organised.

I’ll look into it and get back to you.

4 responses to this post.

  1. Good luck! I have to say I’m pretty excited about being motivated to do a declutter; it always feels so good. I’m going to tackle my study, It’s a bit of a junk ‘room’ at the moment and I’d like some order in there – not to mention a nice space to BE…



    • >MrsGreen, I am one of those people who actually like ‘clutter’. I have had a browse through my junk drawer and there’s nothing in there that is not supposed to be, or that I don’t want. But I have rearranged it.




  2. Posted by smallftprints on January 16, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    Yep, I’ve got one too … and it’s the first place I organized for this challenge. It was actually fun because I found a few things that I had forgotten I had … and have put them to use. Looking forward to hearing how your organizing goes. 🙂



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