Make you Fink on Friday

I read an interesting article on The Guardian the other day. Besides being propaganda for Michelle Obama, it told of an experiment with pandas.

Pandas, apparently, like sweet stuff, although sweet is not in their diet; they prefer the more mundane bamboo.

pepsi-maxThey tested Pepsi against Pepsi Max.

Guess what?

The Pandas didn’t like the Pepsi Max.

Pandas don’t like aspartame, the sweetener in Pepsi Max.

Doesn’t that tell you something?

It sure rings alarm bells for me.

If pandas don’t like the taste of aspartame, incidentally neither do I, then there must be something in it that tells them it’s not good for them.

From a personal level, ALL artificial sweeteners set my teeth on edge so I stay away from them.

Similarly, now that most soft drinks (sodas) contain HFCS instead of sugar, I stay away from them all.

So should you!

4 responses to this post.

  1. This reminds me of an experiment done with monkeys were they gave they monkeys both organic and non organic bananas. Every time the monkeys peeled the non organic bananas only eating the fruit inside, yet each time they were given organic bananas they ate the banana, peel and all. Tell me we need to get in touch with our own taste buds.



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