Posts Tagged ‘eggs’

Make you Fink on Friday

This is about a subject that I have often espoused as ‘bullshit’.

8905112_origLiterally, the crap that we have been led to believe comes from manufacturers that want to sell you another product.

It’s the old butter vs margarine debate again; which is healthier for you?

Basically, you have been fed manufacturers crap for so long it’s taken as gospel.

Now it appears as though the truth is coming out.

Why almost everything you’ve been told about unhealthy foods is wrong

Eggs and red meat have both been on the nutritional hit list – but after a major study last week dismissed a link between fats and heart disease, is it time for a complete rethink?

The evidence that appears to implicate red meat does not separate well-reared, unprocessed meat from its factory farmed, heavily processed equivalent.’ Photograph: Mike Kemp/Getty Images/Rubberball

Could eating too much margarine be bad for your critical faculties? The “experts” who so confidently advised us to replace saturated fats, such as butter, with polyunsaturated spreads, people who presumably practise what they preach, have suddenly come over all uncertain and seem to be struggling through a mental fog to reformulate their script.

Last week it fell to a floundering professor, Jeremy Pearson, from the British Heart Foundation to explain why it still adheres to the nutrition establishment’s anti-saturated fat doctrine when evidence is stacking up to refute it. After examining 72 academic studies involving more than 600,000 participants, the study, funded by the foundation, found that saturated fat consumption was not associated with coronary disease risk. This assessment echoed a review in 2010 that concluded “there is no convincing evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease”.

Neither could the foundation’s research team find any evidence for the familiar assertion that trips off the tongue of margarine manufacturers and apostles of government health advice, that eating polyunsaturated fat offers heart protection. In fact, lead researcher Dr Rajiv Chowdhury spoke of the need for an urgent health check on the standard healthy eating script. “These are interesting results that potentially stimulate new lines of scientific inquiry and encourage careful reappraisal of our current nutritional guidelines,” he said.

Chowdhury went on to warn that replacing saturated fats with excess carbohydrates – such as white bread, white rice and potatoes – or with refined sugar and salts in processed foods, should be discouraged. Current healthy eating advice is to “base your meals on starchy foods”, so if you have been diligently following that dietetic gospel, then the professor’s advice is troubling.

Confused? Even borderline frustrated and beginning to run out of patience? So was the BBC presenter tasked with getting clarity from the British Heart Foundation. Yes, Pearson conceded, “there is not enough evidence to be firm about [healthy eating] guidelines”, but no, the findings “did not change the advice that eating too much fat is harmful for the heart”. Saturated fat reduction, he said, was just one factor we should consider as part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Can you hear a drip, drip in the background as officially endorsed diet advice goes into meltdown?

Of course, we have already had a bitter taste of how hopelessly misleading nutritional orthodoxy can be. It wasn’t so long ago that we were spoon-fed the unimpeachable “fact” that we should eat no more than two eggs a week because they contained heart-stopping cholesterol, but that gem of nutritional wisdom had to be quietly erased from history when research showing that cholesterol in eggs had almost no effect on blood cholesterol became too glaringly obvious to ignore.

The consequences of this egg restriction nostrum were wholly negative: egg producers went out of business and the population missed out on an affordable, natural, nutrient-packed food as it mounded up its breakfast bowl with industrially processed cereals sold in cardboard boxes. But this damage was certainly less grave than that caused by the guidance to abandon saturated fats such as butter, dripping and lard, and choose instead spreads and highly refined liquid oils.

Despite repeated challenges from health advocacy groups, it wasn’t until 2010, when US dietary guidelines were amended, that public health advisers on both sides of the Atlantic acknowledged that the chemical process for hardening polyunsaturated oils in margarines and spreads created artery-clogging trans-fats.

Manufacturers have now reformulated their spreads, hardening them by chemical methods which they assure us are more benign. But throughout the 20th century, as we were breezily encouraged to embrace supposedly heart-healthy spreads, the prescription was killing us. Those who dutifully swallowed the bitter pill, reluctantly replacing delicious butter with dreary marge, have yet to hear the nutrition establishment recanting. Government evangelists of duff diet advice aren’t keen on eating humble pie.

But what lesson can we draw from the cautionary tales of eggs and trans fats? We would surely be slow learners if we didn’t approach other well-established, oft-repeated, endlessly recycled nuggets of nutritional correctness with a rather jaundiced eye. Let’s start with calories. After all, we’ve been told that counting them is the foundation for dietetic rectitude, but it’s beginning to look like a monumental waste of time. Slowly but surely, nutrition researchers are shifting their focus to the concept of “satiety”, that is, how well certain foods satisfy our appetites. In this regard, protein and fat are emerging as the two most useful macronutrients. The penny has dropped that starving yourself on a calorie-restricted diet of crackers and crudités isn’t any answer to the obesity epidemic.

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Take the egg problem, speaking from personal experience. I eat between six and a dozen eggs per week… my cholesterol is just great, perhaps a little on the low side. I also eat the fat on meat, I use lard for cooking and I don’t have margarine in the house and I don’t buy products made with it. I don’t drink soda, but sparkling mineral water, often with fresh juices added.

So, more than two years ago, I bucked the system and stopped believing manufacturers’ claims.

My advice, stop being a sheep and following the herd, think for yourself.

Satireday on Eco-Crap


Monday Moaning

Bean horsemeatThe world is collapsing.

Very soon we are really going to have to look at alternative food sources.

Just recently the English speaking world got a shock; horse meat! Not that the horse meat was the problem, the problem is that it was found where it wasn’t supposed to be – in beef products.

The UN has even gone so far as to suggest insects as an alternative. Now if we turn up our noses at horse, imagine insects.

You get to McD’s, “Would you like large locusts with that?”

Now some Asian countries are used to this idea. Some countries, like Moçambique, have sun-dried field mice on a stick; just 30 cents.

The British have been scared silly with this horse meat scandal and have begun to lose faith in processed foods.

Eggs come first as chickens take over our gardens

Fears about food quality and desire to be close to nature fuel a growing backyard industry in Britain

Pet shops and garden centres now stock chicken feed while demand for poultry is rising. Photograph: Angela Hampton pictures/Alamy


They are the planet’s closest living evolutionary link to Tyrannosaurus rex and contribute hugely to our national diet, but now the humble chicken is coming into its own in Britain as the productive pet of choice.

What began several years ago as a trend among town-dwellers with large gardens has now exploded into an entire industry, say experts. Pet shops and garden centres stock chicken feed, while poultry producers are scrambling to keep up with demand for birds. Dozens of manufacturers are churning out hen coops in every shape and size – and for every budget. Prince Charles’s Highgrove online shop stocks a pale-blue timber portable hen house for £3,750.

This weekend the South of England show at Ardingly, West Sussex, the biggest annual agricultural event in the south-east, took poultry as its theme in response to what organisers called “an incredible upsurge in popularity of keeping poultry”.

And it’s not only hens, but ducks, too. “A lot of it is the horsemeat scandal: people just want to be more connected to their food,” said the show’s Paula Seager.

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Yes, people have lost confidence, they want to see where their food comes from.

Your chickens will eat all those vege scraps from the kitchen, fast track composting, chicken shit is good for the garden.

boxmilkA whole generation of people have lost touch with the country, people are beginning to look for their roots. I am always reminded when in Bolivia, I invited a family to visit me on the farm and Abel, eight, was amazed that milk came from cows and not a box in the supermarket. How much more removed are kids in the first world from reality?

The chickens are a start, if you haven’t started, don’t leave it too late. Because we won’t always have a supermarket nearby.



Change the World Wednesday – 2nd Oct

Small Footprints has got her crystal ball out again… How do you do this? Reading my mind.

Don’t think you’ve won, just because I’m eating vegan today…

This week’s Change the World Wednesday challenge:

WEEK-LONG CHALLENGE: This week, eat Vegan for one entire day. That means, for one entire day eat only plant-based foods … no meat, poultry, fish, dairy, etc.
Or …
If you eat a Vegan diet every day, we’d like to benefit from your experience so please share tips, ideas, recipes, etc.

Most of you will already know that I am a healthy happy carnivore, but even us carnivores eat ‘vegan’ occasionally. It’s not a conscious choice, it’s just a spur of the moment decision. My decision today was spurred by a conversation with my mother last Saturday, she rings me each week from NZ and  mentioned that she had been out with the ‘girls’ (I use that term loosely, because my mother is fast approaching 88) and eaten quiche.

My Spinch & Leek Quiche should look something like this

Wow, I haven’t eaten quiche for yonks (ill-defined long period of time) and I woke this morning with the thought… “Quiche for lunch.” As I only had toast, marmalade and coffee (*checks for animal content*) for breakfast I am in the running for a vegan day. Now I’ll have to use ‘plastic butter’ (margarine) for the pastry instead of my customary lard.

I just checked, there is no indication that my margarine is free of fish oils or whey… Hmmm, okay, I will go to the shop and get some vegetable based cooking fat.

Hmmmm, does a vegan eat eggs?

I just googled.They don’t. There are egg substitutes like tofu, but that is poison because it’s made from unfermented soy beans, Did you know that tofu is poison? Look it up.

So I am going to use eggs.

Well, that blows that idea.

Oh well…. I tried; and I was even thinking what I could do to make the day complete with a vegan dinner as well.

Next week…
