Change the World Wednesday – 26th Oct

I sit here with writer’s block for most of the week waiting for CTWW, then it comes around all too fast, it’s here already this week…

Last week’s CTWW was about pets. There were two things that I left out of my post, one was the important issue of neutering or spaying your pet to avoid any more unwanted little pets to find homes for. I always managed to find homes for both Pexote and Pivete’s puppies and Hello Kitty’s kittens, but then I lived in a semi-rural area; not so easy if you are a city dweller. Although, I would have no problem here, just down the road lives Gustavo, he’s five and he just loves kittens and cats, loves them to pieces; most of the local cats tolerate him, but a few run… too much love.

Chew Bars

The other issue is pet toys. I have never bought toys for my pets, they’re not kids. But I did see a comment about snacks, I assume they meant like chew bars.

Dogs chew bones and, as any dog owner will tell you, anything  else they can find.

Bones contain high-calorie marrow. By chewing to get at the marrow, dogs also grind the bone to dust and get needed calcium. Bones and dog chew treats also help to remove plague from teeth.

Junk for your dog

So now we have things like Nylabone and many other products made for the dog.
The production of stuff manufactured for pets is a billion dollar business and from what I have read, dogs use it or eat it simply because you buy it.
Pets don’t need this stuff, mainly it’s junk, just profit-making junk. Oh, and look at that packaging…
The old style chew bars were made from bull’s pizzles, I believe some of them still are. They are natural, no artificial additives, no junk, just pizzle.
One comment I saw during the week: “They eat dry food which is healthier & more environmentally friendly.” Dry food is made from dehydrated waste meat from abattoirs and vegetable matter like corn. It is not healthy for our pets, it is only healthy for corporate pockets. This comment shows that corporate advertising has done its trick.
Here, I have to reprint Small Footprints ‘Final Thoughts.’ “Our love for a pet is often exploited by companies trying to convince us that we must buy their product to be good, responsible owners. Often those products are made of plastic, come in wasteful containers and aren’t healthy for animals. And even more often those products are harmful to the environment.”
This week’s CTWW is a toughy and there’s no ‘easy’ alternative:
This week, please share ideas on Eco-friendly gift giving. We’re looking for anything which helps us choose “green” gifts that will please the receiver. Feel free to offer links, do-it-yourself projects, etc. … the more creative the better.
Buying presents, I was never any good at buying presents.
An obvious choice for a ‘green’ gift is something that grows, but not everybody has room for a tree in their lounge. You can get novelty ideas like ‘garden in a bag’ herbs which are a lot smaller than a tree and useful if the recipient is a good cook.

Recycle old jars

You can recycle some things like jars and other glassware; and if you are good in the kitchen, make preserves or jams, bottle chillis and the like (I do this), put a homemade label and a ribbon and it looks presentable enough to be a real gift without looking cheap.

Recycle PC boards

Everybody, well almost, has an old PC at home just sitting there waiting to be repaired/upgraded but never will be; I have three… I use one as a coffee table.  Think of some way use can use it’s bits. I have even seen jewellery made from circuit boards and I have a plan to make a keyring from an old RAM board.


Doesn't look so bad

Finally, do something that is really ‘green’ this year. Don’t buy wrapping paper; use newspaper, it’s novel, it’s cheap and it’s recycling.
I guess when you are looking you can find ideas, but there is one idea that is important; if you plan on having a live, ah dead Xmas tree, make sure there is a tree recycling/mulching programme in your area.

Yule log

Or, cut the trunk into usable sizes to use as a base for next years Xmas decorations.

3 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by smallftprints on October 26, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Something I didn’t touch on in the Pet challenge is that Vets often push people to have procedures done on their animals that aren’t necessary. They pressure people to do the “right thing”. I had that happen several years ago with my cat … a vet pressured me into giving her a variety of immunizations. I shouldn’t have taken his word for it and should have done my own investigation but I was naive. She was deathly sick for over week … we almost lost her. I found out later that none of those shots were necessary for a cat her age. Now I question everything and do the research … just like I do when doctors recommend something for my health. We tend to take the word of medical professionals … but they aren’t always driven by the health of their patient … they sometimes are driven by the bottom line (calculated in dollars and cents). And what is the link to being green? All those immunizations used separate syringes, which were made of plastic and which were tossed after one use. Waste!

    Nice ideas for green gift giving. I’ve always appreciated the things people do and make so much more than the purchased gift that I typically don’t need.



    • @SF, that’s another point, that vets are not in the game for your benefit (nor your animals), but to fatten their wallets and of course people ‘trust’ professionals blindly.

      Thanks for the comment, tweets and thumbs up.




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