Monday Moaning

amilkbottleOnce upon a time we used to get milk from farms, those of us in the city had milk delivered to their gate by the milkman.

It was milk. Lovely milk with that layer of cream at the top of a glass bottle.

Bottle milk was pasteurised, but nothing other ‘ised’.

Then came homogenised milk, the layer of cream disappeared, although we were told it was still there.

Cream also came in the bottle, smaller with a different coloured top. It could be whipped into the most delicious whipped cream.



Then the milk companies took over, and it has been downhill ever since.


The rich cream attracted the birds, they would peck a hole in the foil tops to get it. Today you won’t see birds interested in milk, so what has happened?

Today, milk comes in boxes, the delightful tetrapak, and plastic bottles, gone is the cream, as we have ultraheat treated crap.

magnolia-full-cream-milkOn the box they advertise ‘whole milk’ 3% butterfat – I say bullshit!

What happened to the other 0.5 – 1% butterfat? Without that it is not ‘whole’ milk. But the population today are so worried about obesity, that they think the milk companies are doing them a favour.

FAVOUR, my arse! They’re doing it to cheat you and make more profit!

The milk companies lobbied the governments and the laws became that you could only buy company milk. If you bought your milk from the farmer, the companies would make less profit, couldn’t have that now, could we? So buying milk from the source became illegal.

Many people didn’t like it, they wanted their whole fresh milk back. So some stores and farmers bucked the law.

Selfridges raw milk sales prompts FSA prosecution on food safety charges

The Food Standards Agency is to charge the retailer over its vending machines that sold unpasteurised milk

Untreated milk from dairy cows can contain E coli and salmonella bacteria. Photograph: Getty Images Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Selfridges is being taken to court for potentially putting public health at risk by selling raw milk at its flagship London store, the government’s food watchdog has announced.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) began an investigation last year after Selfridges installed vending machines selling unpasteurised milk supplied by Sussex farmer Stephen Hook in December 2011.

Unpasteurised milk may contain bacteria such as salmonella and E coli, which can cause food poisoning, and the FSA warned at the time that the move was in breach of food hygiene regulations designed to protect consumer health. Westminster City Council was also monitoring what was regarded as a highly unusual situation.

Today the FSA confirmed it would be prosecuting Selfridges and Hook for potentially putting public health at risk. It said in a statement: “Summons have been served to both parties and a hearing date has been set for 6 February at Westminster magistrates court.”

Raw milk dispensers are hugely popular on the continent, allowing customers to fill their own glass bottles. But in Britain the sale of raw milk is much more tightly regulated. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, unpasteurised cows’ milk can only be sold direct to consumers from farms or the farmer, including farmers’ markets; in Scotland its sale is banned outright.

Hook, of Longleys Farm, has been selling raw milk since 2007 and says his customers like the taste of the product as well as the perceived health benefits – he claims beneficial bacteria usually destroyed by pasteurisation can reduce childhood illnesses such as hay fever and eczema.

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A threat to public health!!!

I was brought up on raw milk as a baby and a child, my kids were brought up on raw milk.

In 61+ years I have never seen a case of where a person got sick from drinking raw unpasteurised milk. There may have been, but not in my knowledge.

Is this a case of the companies scaremongering to make ONLY their product available to the people. Is the government being sucked in by the companies?

Stores like Selfridges should be applauded for giving the public what they want.

Real milk!

Not being prosecuted.

“food hygiene regulations designed to protect consumer health” should read… “food hygiene regulations designed to protect company wealth“.

People around the world should be giving their governments a clear message:

We want real milk!

And if you don’t take steps to give it to us, then get out of government!

8 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Clare @ on February 11, 2013 at 10:04 am

    You raise a valid point about birds not trying to get into the milk any more – is it because it’s not sold in bird-puncture-able bottles any more do you think, or because it no longer tastes like milk?
    I find it fascinating that in England and Wales raw milk can be sold directly to consumers by farmers, but not via a retailer. That says (to me) that (a) there are no health problems with raw milk (which we knew anyway, many of us having grown up on it), and (b) that the rules are there purely for financial gain otherwise why put the rule in place?
    Where I live now, I’ve never found fresh, pasteurised milk, let alone raw milk. Not many cows around, so it’s all the long-life stuff in the shops here. It doesn’t taste much like milk. Sigh. But that is at least most likely due to logistics (long transport distances, very hot climate, too few cows) which I suppose is fair enough – when compared to profiteering.
    Thanks for another thought provoking article!



    • >Clare, you raise a valid point about the birds, but even when homogenised milk was sold in foil caps the birds didn’t try to get it.

      In the US the farmers cannot sell milk at the gate, there have been many prosecutions because of this. Even involving armed SWAT units to stop the sales.

      I occasionally get raw milk (although to get it doubles the price because of getting there and back by bus) and there IS a difference, coffee in the morning with whole milk, is out of this world.

      Thanks for stopping by and the comment, appreciated.




  2. i can’t say i’ve ever had raw milk but would love the opportunity! here in So Cal, there was a coop in venice i think it was, that was shut down for distributing raw milk to it’s members. the owner was even arrested!



    • >shiborigirl, raw milk, straight from the cow, nothing like it. While I have had still warm, I prefer it to be chilled to drink. To make cheese you need raw milk, straight from the cow at 38 degrees, let it drop to 34 before adding the rennet; this produces the best yield. If you have to heat it, the yield drops, and drops terribly if you have pasteurised milk and have to add bacteria. You need bacteria to make cheese.

      I read that link, exactly the type of crack down against those who want the old ways that the ‘controllers’ are capable of.




  3. I’ve found a source of raw milk, and am not looking back. It does taste much better than industrial, I love the cream floating on top for coffee or cooking. Allergies and winter colds in my family have been way down since we started drinking raw milk. And I figure “my” farmer has to be much cleaner than conventional farmers, since his is subjected to the same inspection as everyone else’s. I would rather drink his clean raw milk than milk with bits of ultrapasteurised cow dung, thanks.



    • >CelloMom, cool, good for you. Interesting that you mention allergies, etc. I have read the same, but never noticed personally, because we never ‘caught’ much; maybe because of the raw milk and we never put two and two together. If you’ve got a good farmer that’s even better, but there are some dodgy ones too.




  4. Posted by Alex Jones on February 13, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    Babies drink raw milk from their mother’s breast, and raw milk is designed for young calves, so where is the danger to humans?



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