Change the World Wednesday – 3rd Dec

Small is away, but, I am going to try to keep CTWW alive.

A small challenge this week as we head for the silly season.

Christmas has become a time for spending, it has lost its original meaning. Today Christmas is all about commercialism; making you buy unwanted stuff as presents.

My challenge:

Avoid the commercialism this Christmas. Don’t shop for presents.


If you must shop for presents, consider the green impact, the safe ingredients.

Here’s my plan.

Many of us have old stuff at home. Yesterday I touched on kitchen stuff in Simple Green Ideas post. Today, I am suggesting old sports stuff.

Most of us have stuff like this cluttering up the place

Most of us have stuff like this cluttering up the place

It would be a rare family that did not have at least one sportsman in the house, most households finnish up with used sport gear tucked away in closets and nooks around the house.

Try some arty ideas as presents…

Old tennis rackets

Old tennis rackets

A golf club bottle opener

A golf club bottle opener

Use your imagination for whatever sports gear you have around.

Try to avoid commercialism this Chritmas.

If you have other ideas, share them, leave a comment.

6 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Kipley on December 3, 2014 at 11:30 am

    I suggest gifts of experience. Membership to museums; movie tickets. Another is to volunteer with your ‘giftee’ at a place that’s meaningful to them. If they volunteer at a nursing home – go with them. Weeding their church’s grounds, serving at the soup kitchen they volunteer at.



  2. Posted by smallftprints on December 3, 2014 at 11:39 am

    Excellent challenge! I love the tennis racket idea! 🙂



  3. Great idea. I just happen to have no sports gears around. that’s because when my boys moved out I sent it all with them. 🙂 Glad to see you will keep CTWW going while small is on her break.



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